About Us

We are a small Hobby Breeder located in North Carolina, USA.
We will not bred often, a litter every 1-3 years. We believe in quality, not quantity. Our goals are to focus on multipurpose whippets that are not only successful in the show ring and on the lure coursing field, but are also wonderful, healthy pets with outgoing personalities that make a loving part of the family.
Improving the overall health of the Whippet breed is very important to us and we support health testing of all whippets prior to breeding. Health clearances can be seen on the individual dog's page.
Our Start ....
We are very fortunate to have started with 2 amazing foundation bitches: Morgan and Spirit.
Morgan joined us first in the fall of 2007 from Ableaim kennels. She was my first "show dog" and I am proud to say that Morgan, handled only by myself, became a Grand Champion - Dual Champion!! She taught me so much about whippets, took us on many adventures and her time here was a joy in every way. We lost her too soon in the summer of 2017. She will never be forgotten and while I miss her every day, we are happy that she lives on in some of our current contenders.
In the spring of 2008 Spirit joined our family and our lives were forever changed. She came from a combined effort of Nitro Whippets and TNT Kennels. We had hoped that Spirit would have success on the coursing field. Spirit never let us down, she was the #1 Whippet and #1 Sighthound in 2009 and 2010 for AKC Lure Coursing and was the 2010 AKC National Lure Coursing Champion. She eventually retired as an LCX6, one of only 2 whippets to earn that title. Spirit, however, surprised me and was not only successful on the field but has been extremely successful in the ring! She was "Best Performance Dog" at our 2010 AWC National Specialty and earned her Dual Championship title in June of 2011. Then, she topped that and was awarded the 3rd Award of Merit at our 2012 AWC National Specialty! She has set the standard for what we want in a whippet - beauty and athleticism! She provided us with 2 amazing litters and the success of those offspring are still being seen today!
Finally, the summer of 2011 - the official start to "Cali Whippets" began! In August of 2011, Morgan provided us with our first litter. The "Blonde" litter. At this time, 1 of these beautiful puppies, Blondie, still remains here at Cali Whippets.
Blondie may be a little girl, but she is all attitude and finished her FC at just 15 months old. She is major pointed in the ring.
Spirit provided us with our second litter (the Red Heads) on December 4th, 2012. This litter can only be described as a breeders dream come true. Four of the offspring easily earned their AKC FC title and ASFA FCh title, one (Righty) went on to earn both his DC and his ASFA LCM, another (Fox) was the 2015 AKC NLCC BOB winner. Finally, Elsa followed in her mothers footsteps, was the #1 Whippet and Sighthound for AKC Lure Coursing in 2014 and 2015 and then went on to become the 2017 AKC National Lure Coursing Champion. Currently she has also earned an LCX3 title.
In the summer of 2014, Spirit provided us with her second litter. Like her first, these puppies have been a joy and are proving to be successful not only on the lure coursing field and the ring, but on the race track too! They have earned the following titles: AKC Field Championship, an AKC LCX title, an ASFA Field Champion, a Bench championship and 2 CWA ARX Champions!
We are now enjoying our second generation puppies..... Blondie, Fox, Elsa and Moon have provided us with puppies and we can't wait to see what exciting future they hold!
We thank everyone that has helped us make our start. Without the help of those before us, we would not be here today. We hope to take the positive lessons from everyone and produce the healthiest and most successful whippets we can. However, at the end of the day, these dogs are our companions and best friends and their well-being is what is most important! I hope that I never forget that. We will not breed often, so check back regularly to see what is going on!