Lure Coursing
We participate in both AKC and ASFA lure coursing events. We belong a local coursing club - CLCS (Carolina Lure Coursing Society). We started lure coursing in 2004 with our first whippet, Cali. This special red brindle girl introduced us to a wonderful new hobby and many new friends. While she loved the sport and never lacked enthusiasm, she was never competitive with the larger and more in shape dogs.
Despite, Cali's lack of success, we were hooked. When Cali was around 4 years old, we were fortunate enough to be offered a puppy from an exciting litter. This puppy turned out to be "Spirit". While my hope was a puppy that was competitive enough to compete as a "top 20 whippet", she exceeded all of my expectations.
At just over a year of age, Spirit started the 2009 year by going Best of Breed at the AKC Lure Coursing trial at our American Whippet Club National event. Later that year she was also the Sunday Best of Breed winner at the 2009 AKC National Lure Coursing Championships in Texas.
She ended the 2009 year with 12 AKC Best of Breed wins and she defeated 738 whippets - a new AKC record for # of dogs defeated in 1 year!. She also earned the title of the 2009 - #1 AKC Lure Coursing Whippet and Sighthound! Spirit was only 2 years old when she accomplished this. We are very proud of Spirit and can't wait to see what the future will bring for her.
Not to be out done, Morgan, another of our young girls, was also ranked in 2009 and and ended the year as the #12 whippet and #19 Sighthound for AKC Lure Coursing. She finished her field championship title in May of 2010.

2010 turned out to be even more exciting than the year before. Despite limited coursing during the early part of the year, Spirit continued to prove herself on the field and went on to win 17 of 21 BOB's, defeated 659 whippets, earned her LCX2, LCX3 and LCX4 titles, and went on to be the #1 Whippet/#1 Sighthound for the second year in a row!!! She, however, was not done there, and went on to go Best in Event at the 2010 AKC National Lure Coursing Championships in November of 2010. We couldn't be more proud of this special red girl! She has accomplished more than I could ever have imagined on the coursing field.
In 2011, we did not spend a lot of time on the coursing field. However, during our limited time we accomplished some pretty exciting goals. First, both Mystic and Amos finished their Field Championship titles and in the fall of the year, they each earned the title of BOB at our ASFA Region 7 Invitational (Mystic winning BOB on Saturday and Amos winning BOB on Sunday). Spirit only ran the second half of the year, as she was busy showing during the first half, but in that short time she managed to earn her LCX5 title! In the end, all three were ranked in the AKC Lure Coursing Top 20! Spirit was #3 and the #1 Dual Champion, Mystic was #10 and Amos came in at #19! As always, I am proud of our crew and the accomplishments they have earned!
2012 was a quiet year for us. We did not travel much, coursing mainly locally,
as we were busy having "Spirit" puppies in the fall. We did take one trip, to the AWC National in Huron, OH, and Spirit earned the High Scoring Dual Champion award, both on Saturday (AKC) and Sunday (ASFA) at those trials. Blondie (Cali's Blonde Ambition) earned her Field Championship title - to become our FIRST "Bred By" Champion! Finally, Both Spirit (#13) and Mystic (#18) were ranked again in the AKC Lure Coursing Top 20!!! This is Spirit's 4th year in a row and Mystic's second year - in the rankings!!! Congrats to both of these girls.

We had a lot going on this year - 2 new puppies to keep us busy, but we managed to do a bit of coursing. We decided this was Spirits last year to course competitively so we did a small amount of taveling. The only large event we made was the AKC National in Oklahoma where Spirit placed first in a large and very competitive "Special Stake" on Saturday. Spirit and Blondie also won the Kennel stake and Spirit won the High Dual Champion stake that same day. We ended the year with 3 girls in the top 25 - Spirit #6, Blondie #7 and Mystic #23!!! Proud of all 3 of these girls - this is Mystics 3rd year in a row ranked in the top 25!
The end of an era for Cali Whippets - Spirit retires........
What a great career Spirit has had!!! We are so so very proud of her! - 5 years in a row ranked in the AKC LC top 20! (2009-2013) 2 years - #1 whippet and #1 sighthound (2009-2010), 1 year - #1 Dual Champion (2011), an AKC National Field Champion (2010), she currently holds the record for the highest number of dogs defeated in one year for AKC LC in 2009 (738 dogs) - she is an amazing athlete! Her drive and enthusiasm for the lure and to WIN never deminished, but only strengthened over time. In the end, we decided to retire her before she hurt herself. Not only is she talanted, but she is a joy to live with and truly a once in a lifetime companion. We can only hope to someday have another whippet as speical as her. We now turn to her children.... her first litter will be heading out to the field this coming year! We look forward to seeing them run, hoping to see a bit of their mother in them. We also look forward to a second litter ...... to be announced soon.

"Spirit" - MBIF NFC DC Cali N TNTs Spirit of the Wild of Nitro LCX6 MC FCh ROM
My heart and soul...... "Run on Red Girl, Run On!"
WOW, what an exciting year we have had! Elsa earned her Field Championship title in only 5 trials with 3 BOB wins! She almost finished her ASFA title but took time off from ASFA coursing to concentrate on AKC coursing.
Summertime was a bit slow, Elsa had a small injury to her foot that required a trip to see Dr. Radcliff. After a 4 month hiatus, we were thrilled that her foot healed completely and she was once again off and running!!! After a long fall season, to top off an already exciting year, following in the footsteps of her mother, Elsa finished the 2014 AKC Lure Coursing year as the #1 Whippet and #1 Sighthound at just 2 years of age! While they don't live with us, I have to congratulate our other Spirit/Tobias pups this year. Both Max and Fox earned their AKC Field Championship titles and both are MBIF winners!!! Righty earned his ASFA Field Championship title and is pointed towards his AKC title. Max also ended up in the top 10 for AKC Lure Coursing (#7). We are so proud of these young red heads and excited about their future!

So far this year has started off with a Bang! In April, both Elsa and her brother Max earned their ASFA Field championship titles. In the following month, Elsa went on to earn her AKC LCX title! This is quite an accomplishment for a young whippet! With the fall coursing season still to come, we look forward to some exciting times, not only with Elsa and her siblings, but Spirit's second litter will become eligible to run this summer!!!! Fall should be a blast!!.......Well it is the end of the year and my predictions were right!!! WOW!! what a finish to the year!!!!! By November, Elsa went on to finish her LCX2 title - all before the age of 3. She ended the year as the #1 Whippet and #1 Sighthound in AKC Lure Coursing for a SECOND year in a row!!! Then, in December, Moon finished her AKC Field Championship title just a few weeks after earning her Senior Courser title! Then, one day later, Righty earned his AKC Field Championship title/Dual Championship title to be my first "Bred By" Dual Champion. While Righty is owned by Cora Miller, he is very dear to my heart and I am so thrilled about this special boy!!!!! To finish this exciting year, Moon surprised us all and like her big sister Elsa, also ended the year ranked in the AKC Top 20 and is the #15 whippet for 2015 AKC Lure coursing! I couldn't possibly be more proud of our kids!
Conformation We have been participating in dog shows for only a few years. In that short time, we have been very lucky and successful thankful to the addition of our two beautiful foundation Bitches - "Morgan" and "Spirit".

Morgan - Ableaim Morgan Le Fay - is our first "show dog" out of our special boy Tyler. She amazed me by earning some very big wins at a young age. She earned a Group 2 placement at a Hound group specialty at just 9 months of age. She finished her championship in March of 2010 with a total of 2 BOBs and 4 major wins. She has gone on to earn her Grand Championship with very limited showing. Since this girl loves to show, she will probably venture out into the show ring again someday as a veteran!
Spirit - Cali N TNTs Spirit of the Wild of Nitro, while only shown a limited number of times the first 3 years of her life - placed in large open classes at the 2009 Mid-West specialty and earned the title of "Best Performance Dog" and a First Placement in the "Lure Coursing Bitch Class" at the 2010 AWC National Specialty!
In 2011, we decided that it was time for Spirit to take a break from running and focus on the show ring. With the help of her new friend "Phoebe Booth" - Spirit quickly earned her Dual Championship title in June of 2011, with 3 Major wins and several BOB wins. Then, to our delight, Spirit was awarded the 3rd Award of Merit at the 2012 AWC National Specialty! What on honor to be recognized in such a large group of high quality whippets! When we can pull her away from the field, we will continue so show Spirit at select shows.
In August of 2011, Morgan provided us with some beautiful puppies - we look forward to spending some more time in the show ring in 2012 as we think this crew has great potential. FLASH - the puppies have started out with a bang! Henry placed first in his 6-9 mo puppy dog class at the AWC 2012 National out of 18 entries. Dylan did equally as well, she placed 4th out of 33 entries in her 6-9 mo puppy bitch class. Big congrats to these youngsters.

In December of 2012, Spirit provided us with our second litter. We are extremely excited about these kids, their parents are both Dual Champions and we can't wait to get our 2 keepers,
Elsa and Hendrix in the ring when they are ready. We are being patient and letting them grow up, but the wait is hard!
2014 was a slow year for us in the show ring, but we are proud of 2 of our young girls. Elsa placed 2nd in a nice sized Futurity class at our 2014 AWC National (her brother Righty also placed 2nd in his class!). Blondie earned several points towards her championship and we plan to spend more time in the ring with her and our Spirit puppies in 2015. -- While he doesn't live with us, we are also proud to announce that Righty, one of our Spirit/Tobias boys that lives up north with Cora Miller, earned his Championship title with 4 major wins!

2015 - was another slow year for us in the show ring, but what we did do was big! Both Blondie and Ronan (a Spirit/Raleigh boy who is owned and handled by Mary and Ernest Pick and co-owned by me) earned majors wins and Blondie is now about 1/2 way to her Dual Championship title. We look forward to 2016 and hope to spend a bit more time at this activity. Our goals are to finish her title and get some of our younger girls into the ring!
2017 - Well, we had some fun times this year, and for once, it all goes to
the BOYS!!! To start the year off, Herkules was Best Puppy at AWC Eastern Regional Specialty and then went, on that following Sunday, to earn his first major!!! Next up was Ronan who went First place in the Amateur Owner/Handler Class at the 2017 AWC Nationals in Denver, Colorado. Herkules said it was his turn again and went Reserve Winners Dog at the AWC Midwest Specialty. Ronan said he was not done and in the fall, with the help of Laura Kiefer's handling skills, earned his second major!!!!
We are so proud of these boys!!!

2018 - Ronan continued his success and finished his Bench championship in Feb of this year, becoming Spirit's second bench champion. We thank Laura Kiefer for handling him to his final wins.
Herkules also continues to be in the spotlight, placing first in the AWC Male Maturity divison at our National Specialty!
2019 - We had one main goal here this year and that was to finish Herkules' Championship title. Since my schedule was busy, we decided to hand Herkules off to Laura Kiefer to make sure to get Herkules out to some shows. Once they hit the circuit, it didn't take him long to earn his second Major win under Breeder Judge Jacqueiline Quiros-Kubat! Just 3 weeks after that he went WD/BOS over specials under Judge Terry Stacy to finish his Championship/Dual Championship Titles! We can't thank Laura Kiefer enough for her help in accomplishing this goal! To make me feel even better, Laura fell in love with Herkules and said he was a joy to have around! It can't get much better than that! Herkules had puppies this year with our girl Moon..... we look forward to our next generation with this happy hoppy boy that everyone loves!
2021 - With Covid striking in 2020, we did not attend any dog shows last year, but we managed to attend a few in 2021. The biggest one was the Midwest Specialty in Ohio. The highlight of the weekend was when Leo won a large and competitive Bred By Exhibitor class under Breeder Judge Anna Midgarden. The following day he was best Male in the performance class on the day of the Midwest Specialty. The star in the ring this year is sister Aubrey who has been picking up points in the ring all year assisted by handler Jane Handschumaker. Not to be outdone, Brother Ruger also picked up his first points in the show ring. I am excited to see the Tomatoes finally maturing and look forward to seeng them all in the ring more.

2022 - While I was home busy having 2 litters during the spring of 2022, I didn't get to too many shows. However I did make it to the AWC National in Virginia Beach and it was a blast!! Our Tomatoes had a great time!!! Both Leo and Aubrey went on to win their classes - Leo winning the Male Lure Coursing Class and Aubrey winning the Bitch Racing Class!!! What an honor and excitement for us! As the year went on, Mary and Aubrey along with their good friend and handler Jane Handschumaker, continued to show Aubrey and patience was their virtue. In September she had an outstanding weekend, going WB on Friday, WB and BOS on Saturday for a Major and then WB and BOB for a second major finishing her Bench Championship title!!! After going BOB she went on to show in the Group Competition and went a Group 3!!!! What an amazing way to finish! We can't thank Jane enough for her help in finishing Aubrey!

2023 - At the May MAHA Hound Specialty show in Raleigh, NC, Leo went WD/BOW and Best Owner Handler for a 5 point major!
On September 16th, Leo went WD/BOS and BOBOH for his second major win!
While they don't live with me, I am proud to say that 3 of our Cali whippet kids earned Bench Championships this year. Raz from the Revel/Elsa litter; and Sparky and Jet from the Bowie/Elsa Litter!!!!! We are super proud of all the success our whippet owners are achieving!
We didn't get out much early in the year, but we did manage a few trials. Moon has continued to step up and
make us proud while older sister, Elsa, took some time off. She has been consistently placing and picking up a few LCX points here and there as well as a few points towards her ASFA FCh title. Moon finished out our spring season by going back to back BOB wins at our large MAHA May trial in some tough and large competition!
The fall continued to be successful despite spending quite some time away from the coursing field (See CWA report) and we are very proud of Moon who finished the year ranked #4 in AKC Lure Coursing! This is her second year ranked in the AKC Top 20!
This year started out quite slow, we attended a few local trials as well the AWC National trial in Colorado this year. Summer we were occupied with puppies but the fall was a blast!!!
To start with, young Herkules, at his first trial - a 3 day event - earned both his majors and a total of 9 pts. his first weekend out!!!! Then to top of the year, Elsa decided to give it her all and made the comeback of the year...... after almost a year off, she went BOB on Saturday at the 2017 AKC NLCC and followed that up by going Best in Event and earning the title of National Field Champion!!!!! What an accomplishment she has achieved, repeating what her mother Spirit did in 2010! Elsa, despite limited running, also finished the year ranked (#15) in the AKC Top Twenty for Lure Coursing!

Like the past few years, Spring was slow for us this year. We went to some local coursing events and traveled up to PA for the AWC National. Both Moon and Herkules had some fun, but fall seems to be our most active time of the year. In October, we decided to make a trip up to Ohio for the AWC Midwest Regional Lure Coursing Specialty and it was worth the long trip. Moon finished her LCX title the first day we were there and then went on to go BOB the following day. Herkules didn't want to be left out of the celebration and earned his 3rd major the first day and went on to finish his Field Championship title the second day! We were so proud of both kids!

The first 8 months of this year was completely dedicated to the show ring and Puppies from Moon and Herkules. We went to the occasional local trial but the real fun in the coursing field started this fall. The tomatoes turned 1 yo in July and in September we decided to get them started in the field. Leo and Ruger seemed ready to go first - so we got them qualified. I am excited to say - these boys did not disappoint me, and are following in the foot steps of their mother! - Ruger earned a 5 point Major his first time out at the Sept. CHAMP trial - Leo took a few trials to put it all together but at his 3 weekend out, he also took a 5 point major bringing his total FC points to 8 by the beginning of November. During this time we took a trip down to Florida in
October and both older girls took a turn in the spotlight, Moon taking a first place win at an AFSA trial and finishing her ASFA Field Championship! The following day, Elsa decided to go BEST IN FIELD at an AKC trial and finished her LCX3 Title!!!! At the end of November we had our local trials and the New AWC SOUTHERN REGIONAL AKC SPECIALTY TRAIL on Friday. Well, this day was amazing! The open stakes were split.... Ruger won Stake A - earning his 3rd 5 point major to finish his Field Championship Title,
Leo won Stake B for his second 5 point major and then went on to finish the day BEST OF BREED over 52 whippets total! The boys went on to also win me the high scoring Breeders Stake. What an amazing day - I was so happy for Monica who owns Ruger.
The following month we attended the 2019 AKC NLCC in Limestone, TN. Leo earned his last 3 points there to finish his AKC Field Championship title! Ruger was the big star this event, going BOB on Sunday and then going on to Best of Breed in Event! - He is the third generation in a row to accomplish this title! But we are not done there......The day following the NLCC was Dec. 31st (New Years Eve) and we attended the last trial of the year. Leo ended up going Best of Breed - his first time out as a Special - for a 5 point major and defeating 44 whippets.... this win helped place him as the #6 Whippet and #7 Sighthound in the AKC Lure Coursing Top 20 for 2019!!! Brother Ruger finished the year as the #17 whippet and Mama Moon finished as the #18 whippet (despite having puppies) and places in the Top 20 for the 3rd time. What a way to end this exciting year. I am so proud of all these kids! I can not wait to see what 2020 brings for these very young boys and their siblings!

Leo started the year off with a bang! Best of Breed his first trial out on Feb. 22nd, in Limestone, TN. Then as we all know, COVID-19 hit the USA and our whole world stopped. By the fall, many of us felt like we could envision how to hold safe yet fun events with a few modifications and managed to have a Fall Coursing season, even if it was reduced compared to normal (No ASFA II or AKC NLCC). We went to our first coursing event over Memorial Day weekend, we only ran 2 of the 3 days - but was trilled that Leo left with another BOB on Sunday defeating 27 whippets earning 5pts towards his LCX! While I had intended to get Katana going in the spring, she had to wait and we were thrilled that Katana passed her Qualifing test and was now eligible to compete. On a quickly planned trip to Florida the first week of October, Leo goes BOB and Best In Field! for 5 points; followed by another BOB the following day - what a weekend! Our final trials of the year were in Reidsville, and while we did not take home any Big wins - I have to say how Proud I was of Elsa for winning the Veteran stake and along with her Kids, she won the Kennel stake with daughter Katana and the Generation Stake with Son Leo. We missed most of the rest of the year, due to COVID-19 and me having to Quarantine - but I was so proud to have 2 of our dogs finish in the AKC top 20! Leo was #8 and sister Lola was #13!

Leo going BIF in Florida



Leo going BIF in Florida
This year was 100% dedicated to coursing!! Once again Leo started the year off with a bang! Our first trial was in Camden SC where Leo was First in the Special stake followed by a BOB the second day. Sister Katana also decided to step up and earned her first Major win on Sunday - the litter-mates taking both first places that day. In February, our boy Bowie who lives in Florida with Robin Barry finished his AKC Field Championship with 3 major wins!!! To make us even more proud, he then went back to back BOBs his first time running as a special! As the spring continued, Leo continued to pick up points and another BOB and finished his LCX Title just before we ended the spring season!!! After a summer off, our first trip out was to Virginia (CHAMP ASFA trial). Wanted to let everyone have a chance to stretch their legs and give Scarlet a chance to Qualify. It was strange having everyone in the Open stake together, Leo went BOB with Kat going 3 and picking up some ASFA points. Scarlet qualified so the weekend was a success!! Memorial Day weekend started the official fall season as we headed to the Kominek Farm. While we only ran 2 of the 3 days, we went home with another BOB for Leo and sister Kat picked up another 3 pt. going second in a large stake of open! The following weekend we headed to Camden, SC. On Saturday, Leo was once again BOB over 31 whippets. Sister Kat was 2nd out of 20 open and picked up another 3 singles.... this singles her out as she has 14 pts and a major. Both Leo and Kat had mild pad injuries so they didn't run on Sunday but that is okay as Baby Scarlet stepped up and went FIRST in an Open Stake of 17 whippets for her first points and a 5 point Major!!! Our next trip was to Florida, we had a grand time there, keeping it all in the family all weekend.... Katana ran in the ASFA trial in the morning - earning a first placement and more ASFA points. Scarlet's Sister Ti went back to back "Firsts" in the open stake both Sat and Sun to earn both her Major's. Leo was first and BOB in Saturday's AKC trial, Bowie was first in the Specials Stake on Sunday, and finally Moon was First in the Veteran stake both days and went BOB on Sunday!!! We finished the weekend by bringing Bowie back to North Carolina with us. The next event for us was the 2021 AKC NLCC to be held in Muncie, IN. Kat placed 4th and 3rd both days in the HUGE open stake and Bowie placed 5th on the second day in the huge Specials stake. Leo won the Specials stake on Day 2 and Moon won the Veterans stake! Then Moon shocked us all and went BOB! After adding the scores from both days, Leo was the next highest qualifying score, thus allowing both Moon and Leo to compete in the 2021 AKC NLCC BOB in event run! So proud to say that Leo was awarded the 2021 AKC NLCC BOB in Event title! The second in his litter to do so! But we were not done there - as Together, Leo and Moon won the Whippet Breeder's stake AND Moon was tied for the HIGH Scoring Veteran in Event! We had lots of running left to do: Kat finished her AKC Field Championship in Leesburg VA at the CHAMP AKC trial earning her second major (5pts!). Moon and Bowie both picked up another BOB at the MAHA AKC trial in Reidsville, NC! and then Bowie another BOB in Cannon, GA at the CLCS AKC tiral. By the end of the Year, all 4 dogs are ranked in the 2021 AKC Lure Coursing Top 10! Leo is #3, Katana #5, Bowie #6 and Moon #8. This is Leo's 3rd year ranked in the top 10 (he is only 3.5yo!) and Moon's 4th year in the top 20!!! So proud to have 4 dogs in the top 10 - what a year this has been!

Moon won BOB on Day 2 of the event from the Veterans stake and Leo was BOB in Event at the 2021 AKC NLCC Trials in Muncie, IN - Together they won the Breeders Stake!

Leonidas winning the 2021 AKC NLCC BOB in Event in Muncie, IN

FC Cali's Katana SC

Moon won BOB on Day 2 of the event from the Veterans stake and Leo was BOB in Event at the 2021 AKC NLCC Trials in Muncie, IN - Together they won the Breeders Stake!
2 Litters early in the year limited our spring coursing season but we managed a few trials. Leo Placed first in his Open stake at the AWC National ASFA trial and sister Kat placed 3rd in a large Specials stake at the AWC AKC trial. Kat decided to step up her game. She went BOB at the June 11th AKC trial in Limestone! After the summer off, she continued her success going BOB on Aug 20th at the CHAMP AKC trial and then BOB at the Sept 3rd GASM trial! In November, Scarlet went BOB for a 4 point major at MAHA's AKC trial in Reidsville, NC. Despite our limited coursing this year, Katana finished the year ranked the #2 whippet in AKC lure coursing and Scarlet finished #25!!

2024 - Aubrey finishes her Grand Championship title with 5 Major wins - all of them over competition! She is our Second Grand Champion/Straight racing Champion (ARX)!!! We are very proud of Aubrey!!!!

Near the end of 2010, I was looking for a new activity to do with Morgan. She had finished her Dual Championship title in the early part of 2010. While we were looking towards a possible litter with her, Morgan likes to be the center of attention and does not like to be ignored, so we were encourage to try Rally. Morgan loves to EAT, so motivation was not a problem, however, I had never done any type of obedience training so this was very new to me.
With some help from some good friends, we quickly learned the "signs" and in March of 2011, we entered our first Rally trial. On Saturday, Morgan earned a score of 94 the first time in the ring! and placed 2nd in her class. I was thrilled! However, we made the mistake of entering 2 days in a row and by Sunday, Morgan was not as excited about our day's activities and while we qualified, her score was only 73. We took a break and decided to enter again at our AWC 2011 National a month later. Morgan did not disappoint me and did great! She scored a 95 and again placed 2nd in her class and also earned her Rally Novice title! I am very proud of both Morgan and myself for accomplishing this goal.

CWA Straight Racing
After talking to many friends, we decided to try something new this year! CWA is a combination event that starts off in the morning with a 4 program race meet followed by a conformation match. This sounded like something we would like but finding time was always my excuse...... well, I finally made the time! And it looks like we might be spending more time at these events, as our first weekend started off with a BANG!!!!!!! Moon took to the box training fast and ended the first weekend with 3 ARX points and a 4th placement in the match to boot! This earned her the "High Combined" award and a huge ribbon!!! Looks like we might be going back!!! - Well, second weekend out Moon earned another 6.5 ARX pts. and placed 4th of 33 whippets!!! Looks like we have a new activity to attend!
We took the summer off, but jumped at the first opportunity to attend our Next event. Moon said she still thought this was a blast and earned another 3 ARX points each day (and placing 4th and 5th of 33 whippets each day) and finished her CWA Racing Championship Title in just 5 meets!!! SO PROUD of this RED Girl!
This was a slow year for Moon as we were busy having puppies, but Ronan stepped up and earned his ARX title as well as a High Combined Award! Herkules is our next in line to participate and he managed to figure out the box with no problems. He attended his first meet in the fall and we look forward to this boy as he matures next year.
This has been an exciting year for us in several ways. I helped start a new CWA club in North Carolina called TRAC (Triangle Racing Association of the Carolinas). This has taken a large chunk of our time this year but we are very excited about this endevor and look forward to many fun times ahead. We also attended our first CWA National event. Both Moon and brother Ronan did great placing in the top 30 out of 90+ whippets!!!!

Personally I have not done much racing the past two years, but 2 of the Tomatoes have done very well! Both Ruger and Aubrey earned their ARX titles in the past year as well as a "High-Combined" along the way! Sisters Pear and Lola have joined in the fun. Maybe I will get Leo, Kat or Quinn out next year to join the fun!

We decided to let Leo give it a try at CWA straight racing. We headed down to Georgia in October for his second weekend of racing. He earned the top ARX points at back to back meets for a total of 8 points towards his championship.
We were quite busy Lure Coursing this year and Leo spent a lot of time showing but we did attend 2 weekends of racing and Leo picked up 2.5 more Points towards his LCX. With only 4.5 points left to go, we hope to focus on this next year.
Maverick hit the track on fire this year. He easily finished his ARX this summer with 3 Meet wins and High combined awards!!! Then he finished his NARX in September. He finished this title going 1st in the meet undefeated! I was so excited to be there for this meet. This same weekend, Leo picked up 2 more ARX points and placed in the match! He just needs 2.5 more points to finished! - So proud of these 1/2 brothers!

Early 2023 was very quiet - not much to do but we did manage a trip up to Hanover PA in March for an ASFA trial to get the dogs a few runs in before the National in April. Leo and Scarlet both picked up some ASFA points and Greer was able to have a qualifying run with Herkules and passed with flying colors! In April we headed to Kansas for the AWC National and both Scarlet and Leo brought home some ribbons, Scarlet was 4th in the ASFA trial on Saturday and Leo was 3rd in a huge Specials stake for 2 LCX points! Both Crescent and Greer were able to help out and be Test dogs at the National which was super fun! I am very excited about our upcoming crew! In May we headed to Leesburg, VA to the CHAMP ASFA trial and I am proud to say Leo was able to finish his ASFA Field Championship title!!! Scarlet also picked up some points and a 2nd place finish. A few weeks later, May 20 and 21st, we went to Dendron for the SHOT AKC trial. Scarlet already had 2 majors and 9 points towards her AKC FC; she was on fire and went Back to back 1st placements in the Open stake for a 5 and 4 point major which finished her AKC Field Championship title ! But she wasn't done there and went BOB on Sunday to finish in style! So proud of this Red head! Wow! 2 new champions in 1 month!!! However, the weekend didn't end there - Greer entered the open stake on Sunday for the first time and was 2nd for 2 points (only beat out by her 1/2 sister Scarlet). Also - both Crescent and Flower were able to pass their qualifying runs so both girls are ready to start the Fall coursing Season!
After the summer break we headed back to Leesburg, VA for our first trial of the fall season. WOW - what a start for us! Crescent won the Open stake for a Major win her first time entered and ended up BOB! The following day she once again won the Open stake for her second Major win and a total of 7 points her first weekend out!!!
We then headed to Limestone, TN for our next AKC trial - what a weekend this turned out to be! Saturday, Flower stepped it up and went 1st in the Open stake for a 4 pt. Major! The following day, Crescent went 1st in the open stake for a 5 pt Major and went on to win BOB and defeated 21 whippets! While this is all that happened in TN, Cousin Greer was in PA and on Sunday went 1st in an Open stake at an AKC trial there for a 3 point Major win!!!! What a weekend for Cali whippets!
After a few weeks off, we headed to Florida and are excited to announce that Crescent had a wonderful weekend, finishing her AKC FC title on Saturday and then went on to go BOB the following day! Our next stop was Georgia for the GANG trial where Cressa went BOB for a 5 point major followed by another 5 point major a month later at the MAHA trial in Jackson Springs, NC at the end of November! Her sister Flower also picked up 4 points this last weekend, with two 3rd placements in a large competitive Open stake.
We ended the year with 5 days of Lure Coursing at the Kominek Farm in Limestone, TN. Crescent ran 4 of the 5 days, shocking me by going BOB 3 of the 4 days she ran for 15 LCX points. Her father, Leo ran 2 days, and placed 2nd both days in the Specials stake for 3 LCX points (and yes, the one day he was beat by his Daughter who went on to BOB. However, the excitement didn't stop there because the 3 BOB wins at these large trials moved Crescent up in the rankings so she finished the 2023 year (running only 4 months of the year) as the #1 Whippet and #1 Sighthound in AKC Lure Coursing! - Her cousin Greer and sister Flower also made the Top 20 in AKC Lure coursing - going #13 and #14. What an amazing finish to an already amazing year (we earned 3 new field champions this year).