FC Cali's Lotus Moon MC LCX
Date of Birth: April 28th, 2022

16 months old

15.5 weeks old
10 weeks old
18 months

SIRE: BIF FC Cali's Brave MC LCX (Leo)
Dam: FC Cali's HH Serious Moonlight MC LCX ARX PR3 TRP FCh (Moon)
Bred by: Deana McNamer
Crescent's Pedigree
Crescent's Photo Album

o BAER: Normal (WP-BR2421/2F-VPI)
o CERF: not done yet
o Cardiac/Echo: Normal/Echo- WP-ACA1834/23F-PI
o AKC DNA #: #V10072850

August 19th - Crescent went BOB for her first Major win (4pts) at her first AKC Lure Coursing trial in Leesburg, VA (CHAMP) under judge John Arvin.
August 20th - Crescent was first again in the Open stake for her second Major win (3pts)!!!
September 3rd - Crescent went BOB defeating 21 whippets for a 5 point Major at her 4th AKC Lure Coursing trial in Limestone, TN. She is now up to 13 championship points!!
October 7th and 8th - During a trip to Florida Crescent earned her last 2 points needed to finish her Field Championship title! And then went BOB the following day her first time running as a Special for 5 point major over 22 whippets.
October 28th - Crescent went BOB at the GANG trial in Canon, GA for a 5 point major defeating 16 whippets.
November 26th - Crescent went BOB at the MAHA trial in Jackson Springs for a 5 point major - defeating 21 whippets.
December 27th - Crescent went BOB at the MAHA trial in Limestone, TN for a 5 point major - defeating 23 whippets.
December 30th - Crescent went BOB at the GANG trial in Limestone, TN for a 5 point major - defeating 32 whippets.
December 31st - Crescent went BOB (her 8th this year!) at the GANG trial in Limestone, TN for a 5 point major - defeating 29 whippets. This amazing weekend moved her up from 5th to the FIRST PLACE position in the AKC Lure Coursing Rankings, making her the #1 Whippet in AKC Lure Coursing for the 2023 year!
March 17th - After her first heat cycle, Crescent placed 2nd out of 9 Special whippets for 1 LCX point at MAHA's AKC Lure Coursing trial.
November 9 &10th - After a long break off, Crescent returns to the coursing field going Back to Back BOB's and earning 10 LCX points at the CHAMP AKC trial in Lovettsville, VA.
Feb 1st: - Starting the year off on a good foot, Crescent goes 1st in an OPEN stake at a CLCS trial for her first ASFA points and a 1st placement!
Feb 16th - Crescent goes BOB at GASMs AKC trial in Limestone, TN for 3 LCX points and Finishing her LCX Title!!!
March 1st: Crescent entered her first CWA meet and went 5th out of 30 whippets for 5 ARX points!!
March 2nd: Crescent goes 3rd out of 25 whippets at her 2nd CWA meet and earns another 4 ARX points for a total of 9 points her first weekend out! So proud of her!