FC Velocity TNT & Cali's Reason To Believe MC FCh
Date of Birth: October 2, 2009

Mystic passed over the rainbow bridge. She was a special girl that brought much joy to our lives. Rest in Peace sweet girl.
Oct. 2, 2009 - July 11, 2022

Sire: TnT's Velocity Tribute O' Becknwith
Dam: BIF TnT's Remembers The Intimidator, FCh SC
Breeders: Tangie Bush, Jacob Moran and Donna and Larry Richards (TNT Kennels)
Owners: Mike McNamer and Tangie Bush
For Mystic's updates and photos
from 2010-2012,
go to Mystic's own Blog page

Mystic earned a 5 - point major and a first place win from the Open Stake at the AKC Lure Coursing Trial at the 2011 AWC National in Richmond, Kentucky!
Mystic earned her AKC Field Championship title on 9/3/2011 by going Best of Breed!
Mystic was BOB on Saturday at the 2011 ASFA Region 7 Invitational!!!!
Mystic ended the 2011 year ranked 10th in AKC Lure Coursing!
Congrats Mystic and Mike!
Mystic was Ranked in the 2012 AKC lure coursing Top 20 for a second year in a row
- Ranked 18!
Congrats again to Mystic and Mike!